Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Looking at my parents, it seems like they have handled the different facets of their lives very smoothly. Their work, marriage, upbringing of 2 children and finally helping them chart their own lives; everything seems to be flawless. This makes me wonder what is it that motivates a person to promote their gene pool to the next generation. Though the offspring carries his/her genes, it’s not them. It is another being which will eventually go farther from their lives and makes its own roadmap.

It’s the love that you have for the other person that makes all the troubles of bearing and raising children worthwhile. Children in a way are souvenirs that 2 individual leave as a symbol of their wish to stay together. It’s just like wanting to make something with more or less equal contributions from both parties. As this new creation is a symbol of their wish to stay together, the 2 individuals selflessly pool in all their energies for the well being of their new creation. They relate the well being of their new creation to be directly proportional to success of their initial decision of being committed to each other. Now, even if one person leaves the company of the other, they can always look back at the well being of their creation which will remind themselves of their cherished moments when they had made a commitment to stay together. Thus nurturing ones children is not something I consider as an entirely selfless act. You just want to show that you as a pair are perfect because your child is perfect.

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